Educating entrepreneurs

Educating Entrepreneurs

Our acclaimed training programmes for SMEs in the supply chains of multinational companies and local start-ups provide the new generation of entrepreneurs with the tools to establish and grow their businesses with integrity, professionalism and resilience. Our training programmes encompass basic business knowledge, soft skills, leadership, and business ethics. Our unique mentoring scheme matches young entrepreneurs with experienced business leaders, who provide them with the practical skills and inspiration for commercial success and for making their contribution to society.

  • Mentoring for start-up entrepreneurs in Russia:
    From 2008 to 2022, IBLF supported young entrepreneurs in the regions of Russia through our Youth Business Russia (YBR) programme. From 2012, we set up funds in different cities of Russia to provide loans to young people who wanted to set up their own business. They also received advice from our local representative and from a business mentor. Thanks to our efforts, a new movement for mentoring has come into being in Russia. Over ten years, until we suspended its operations in 2022, we supported hundreds of young entrepreneurs and their mentors.

  • Business Integrity Toolkits for young entrepreneurs in Vietnam, G20 countries and ASEAN
    Since 2014, IBLF Global has authored anti-corruption toolkits to support companies working in challenging markets. Each toolkit was put together in close consultation with the users: for example, the creation of the B20 toolkit for SMEs involved many of the companies that were part of the B20 Integrity and Compliance Task Force. All the toolkits are user-friendly, written in simple language, and interactive. Some of the toolkits have been translated into other languages. The UNDP Business Integrity Toolkit was the most downloaded publication on UNDP Asia-Pacific’s regional website in 2021 and has been translated into Urdu and Vietnamese.

  • Training start-ups in Asia-Pacific:
    At the invitation of UNDP’s Youth Co:Lab, IBLF Global delivered a training programme in Bangkok to 50 young entrepreneurs from Asia-Pacific. Positive feedback from participants included the training “opened my eyes to the daily reality of corruption in my country”, “showed me the power of solidarity with other entrepreneurs”, “convinced me that change is possible”. The training was subsequently repeated for other audiences throughout the region. The original cohort also contributed to the co-creation of a Business Integrity Toolkit for Young Entrepreneurs which has been widely distributed in the region.

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