IBLF participates in IACC Conference

IBLF Global participates in the 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference


*Picture from IACC official website

15 December 2022

The CEO of IBLF Global, Brook Horowitz, participated in the 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) during 6 -10th 2022 held in Washington, under the theme “Uprooting Corruption, Defending Democratic Values”. This blog "Impressions from Washington DC IACC Conference" written by Brook features the key takeaways from the conference.

The IACC, held every two years, aims at providing a leading platform to discuss emerging issues and create a network among experts, policymakers and professionals. It brings heads of state, civil society, and private sector together to think about the pressing corruption cases and decide the way forward.

Here are some key points from Brook’s article:

"Young people can have a significant impact, for example through monitoring of elections, public procurement and state budgets. The panel on Mobilising Youth for Uprooting Corruption provided dozens of examples. "

"The links between anti-corruption and environment/climate change were well explored in a number of sessions. Given the legal reform trends in the EU, the convergence of anti-corruption and human rights could have been given more exposure. "

"The private sector was present at the conference, but it felt like a drop in an ocean of civil society. "

"The challenge for everyone in this field is to avoid getting depressed at the slow pace of progress. From what I saw during the conference the best antidote is patience, creativity, a healthy dose of humour, - and in-person gatherings like this one, where you can discover first-hand that you are not alone."

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