How ASEAN countries can turn the tide on corruption

How ASEAN countries can turn the tide on corruption

24 April 2020

The successful experience of ASEAN countries in responding to the coronavirus illustrates that they are capable of dealing with another “invisible enemy” --- corruption. Mr. Brook Horowitz raised this point of view in his recent article published in Financial Times. 

The global pandemic has long been considered as a catalyst for corruption, especially in the countries where civil rights are tenuous, the rule of law weak, public officials underpaid, and bureaucracies concentrated in the hands of powerful elites. 

Yet Brook predicts there may be a more positive outlook in ASEAN countries. US-China tensions created a turning point for elites to seek for good governance. The technologies and laws used to fight against coronavirus can be deployed to put corruption under control. Furthermore, governments can cooperate with small and medium companies to strengthen business integrity. 

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